U Srednjoj školi Zlatar je po treći puta održano službeno natjecanje najboljih mladih prevoditelja u Europskoj uniji pod nazivom Juvenes Translatores. Škole se nakon prijave za natjecanje biraju slučajnim odabirom i to proporcionalno broju zastupnika u Europskim parlamentu. Naša je škola bila jedna od 12 odabranih iz Hrvatske.
Istovremeno se natječe oko 3000 mladih prevoditelja iz svih zemalja Europske unije, a učenici mogu birati prijevod svih jezičnih kombinacija 24 službena europska jezika, a to su ukupno 552 jezične kombinacije. Uvjet za natjecanje bio je da su natjecatelji rođeni 2005. godine. Ove godine prevodile su Lana Brčić, Marinela Čehulić, Klara Ferišak i Lana Ljubek, učenice 3. G razreda, a pripremala ih je nastavnica engleskog jezika Jasna Polanović.
Tema ovogodišnjeg natjecanja bila je Europska godina mladih 2022. Učenice su imale dva sata da prevedu tekst s engleskoga na hrvatski jezik, a osim manjih problema s internetom, sve je prošlo u redu. Kao nagradu za sudjelovanje Europska komisija poslala je školi majice koje su učenice i nosile na natjecanju, a na njima su zapisani pozdravi na različitim jezicima.
Submitted… despite the challenges…
While reading instructions before the beginning of the contest I stopped and said: Let’s not read about the technical difficulties, we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. Let’s not jinx it. We’d done all the preparations; practiced translation, read instructions, logged into the site a week ago, tried to guess the topic, read about EYY, found online brochure Clear writing tips in English and Croatian… and off we went.
A little while after we started, our internet connection was lost and we found out about the system’s maintenance in our school. Of all the days, they had to do it on contest day! My girls’ faces turned red. An email to DGT… waiting…and email form DGT… calming down… girls copied translations into Word… couldn’t transfer them on my laptop that was connected to my phone because it didn’t recognise files on a usb stick, so I can’t email them… email to DGT… email from DGT… calming down… internet came back and was lost again… signing out on computers… logging in on phones… email to DGT… email from DGT – calmed down and finally they retyped translations from Word files on their mobiles and the last was submitted 15 minutes after due time.
Final thank you email to Zydre, JT coordinator, for the support and calming down, so students went home, not talking about internet connections lost, but the sentence that was most challenging, and the way they translated it, or in Zydre’s words “our passion for languages and different cultures is much stronger than technical disturbances”.
– PIŠU: Lana Ljubek, 3. G i Jasna Polanović, nastavnica engleskog jezika